While I'm living in Japan with my wife our sister or Kelsey's sister is teaching English in Korea. We have wanted to adventure outside of Japan for a while and come September we were able to do that and hang out with a bunch of cool people along with Kayla who all moved over there from our home state of Washington.

Though our experience was short the impression I got from being in Korea is that it is high tech and is full of fun stuff to do. Also the cost of transportation is next to nothing. It actually cost us less to travel for four days and three nights than just to get to the airport in Japan per person via the train. Having grown up on the West coast and only taken buses I was pretty surprised to find out how cheap trains can be. Especially such nice ones as were in the areas we went to. 

Kelsey and I live in the Japanese country side and really love our apartment, but in contrast to that Kayla lives in a high-rise condo with an awesome view of the city. While there we had access to the roof top with a 360 degree view of the surrounding city. It was a really great time! Pictured are some photos from atop Kayla's residence and along with an image from a shopping district in Seoul, and some makeshift studio shots of North Korean wine shot in a South Korean apartment. Sadly we lost the wine as we hurried to catch our return flight in an airport over crowded by fans of the Asian Games, but the gift from Kayla was and is still very much appreciated none the less.

Seongnam-si one of the many suburbs of the South Korean megalopolis known as Seoul

An alley way off the main thoroughfare in of the the many areas to shop in Seoul, South Korea

North Korean Wine left over from less hostile relations between the North and South

The packaging of a North Korean wine bottle purchased in South Korea


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